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Holiday Sale Pop-Up
1:00 PM13:00

Holiday Sale Pop-Up

  • Design Within Reach Scottsdale Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

MMT is super excited to have our Holiday Sale Pop-Up hosted once again by Design Within Reach! Please drop by, say hello, and pick up a present for you and your loved ones! It's the perfect place to envision your new MMT pieces in a lovely modern setting. Festive refreshments will also be served.

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CLAY exhibition opening reception at Tempe Center for the Arts
6:00 PM18:00

CLAY exhibition opening reception at Tempe Center for the Arts

I'll have three of my pieces in an upcoming exhibition at the Tempe Center of the Arts. The 2016 TCA Juried Biennial: CLAY exhibition will feature works made or clay, or inspired by clay, as it celebrates the 9th Anniversary of the Center. The works will be from my Imperfectly Perfect series (addtional information in my "Other Projects" section).  The exhibition will be open from September 30 to December 31, 2016.

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Design Days: Tablescapes
12:00 PM12:00

Design Days: Tablescapes

As part of the Design Day Series hosted by Design Within Reach, I'll be giving a talk about minimalist tablescapes. The free event will be hosted at the Scottsdale location, and refreshments will be served. I'll also have a selection of MMT ceramics, available for purchase. More information can be found here. Please RSVP if possible, on their website, but even if you don't, feel free to drop by!

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to Feb 21

ASU Art Museum Ceramics Research Center Tour

  • 45 West Lynwood Street Phoenix, AZ 85003 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Miro Made This will be participating in the Annual juried Ceramics Research Center Tour, sponsored by Arizona State University. The event is a free, self-guided tour of 14 ceramics studios located in the Phoenix/Scottsdale valley, and hosts 45 guest artists at those locations. More information about the tour can be found here.

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Holiday Sale Pop Up
10:00 AM10:00

Holiday Sale Pop Up

A selection of small works for holiday gifts. Because people still need presents. The pop up is located in the building on the North East corner of 7th street and Highland. It's in an empty modernist masonry building for lease, with a big sign on the south side, called Highland Studios. There are two parking spaces fronting 7th Street, and additional parking behind the building, along with street parking. Please drop by, say hello, and stock up on holiday gifts!


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